Fanconi Anaemia Standards of Care Guidelines
- UK Standards of Care Guidelines (Fanconi Hope/NHS): Standards of Care for Fanconi Anaemia affected individuals and their families.
- US FA Clinical Care Guidelines (Fanconi Cancer Foundation) 5th Edition (current).
Fanconi Hope Leaflets and Information Sheets
- General Leaflet on FA, the Charity and how to donate: For the general public.
- The Genetics of Fanconi Anaemia Patient Information Leaflet: Introduction to FA, diagnosis and treatment.
- About FA Infographic: All About FA Single sheet infographic.
Information Sheets
- About Fanconi Anaemia for Non-FA specialist Medical Professionals
- This is a useful document to take to your doctor or your hospital summarising FA as it is aimed at medical professionals who are not FA specialists.
- About Fanconi Anaemia
- About Fanconi Hope
- Advice on Nutritional Problems for Patients with Fanconi Anaemia
- Charity Collections in England and Wales Information Sheet
- Education and Fanconi Anaemia
- Genetic Testing
- Getting involved in promoting people to register as potential
bone marrow donors - Head & neck squamous cell carcinomas in FA
- PGD HLA Selection IVF in FA
- Three Ways the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund can help you
- Travel Insurance for individuals affected by Fanconi Anaemia
- Trips, Events and Wishes for FA Patients
- Vaccinations for individuals affected by Fanconi Anaemia
Useful Information from the Fanconi Cancer Foundation
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Fact Sheet for ENT Specialists Please pass a copy of this on to your ENT Specialist so they know what to look for when doing regular surveillance
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma Fact Sheet for Dentists Please pass a copy of this on to your Dentist so they know what to look for when doing regular surveillance
Fanconi Anemia Clinical Care Guidelines, Fifth Edition (current) is a publication of the Fanconi Cancer Foundation. The contributing authors are physicians or clinical care providers with expertise in treating patients with Fanconi anemia (FA). If you are in the UK you can also order a hard copy of the Guidelines by contacting us.